New FAITH IN NATURE programme will emerge in 2025.
Meanwhile : Every church service (4.30pm each Sunday) we feature a video about nature. There are more house plants growing in the sanctuary than ever. We feature one or more plants each week as decorations on the worship table. A fresh water tropical aquarium is also in the sanctuary. The Nature Niche (the west transept) offers a free self-serve Green Library. The Peace Niche (the east transept) offers a theological library and remembers those who fought in the past two world wars, and also our pets in modern times. We believe this makes us among the Greenest churches in Canada.
From time to time, we give away house plants, such as date palms grown from seeds and pothos grown from cuttings. Send us an email if you would like to receive one.
We invite you to walk a labyrinth with the earth in mind, each first and second Sunday of the month, between 1.30-3.30pm.
Outside, four raised flower beds are maintained by a small coop of volunteers and the church grounds by skilled gardeners to favor indigenous and pollinator-friendly plants. We also have a special Ginkgo biloba tree, that is the progeny of a survivor tree in Hiroshima, Japan. The Green Legacy Hiroshima Project offers an inspiring story ( Our tree is one of six in Westmount and two a little beyond in Montreal West and Town of Mount Royal. The Montreal Gazette featured the day the four first trees were planted in 2018 ( )
Our past programme included, educational meetings (Climate Cafés), walks and meditative exercises in parks (Wild Church) autumn house plant give aways (House Plant Project).
(Faith in Nature information as of October 2024)
What’s it all about?
Labyrinth-walking is an ancient Christian practice of contemplation.
This Labyrinth is specifically intended to help us focus our minds on the state of the Earth –
our love for and need of her, and her love for and need of us. Walking the Labyrinth is an opportunity to rejoice and an opportunity to mourn, and most importantly an opportunity to connect to that deep part of ourselves that can be lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday environmental concerns, to return to our motivations for caring for the Earth.
How do I get involved?
Labyrinth walking takes place every first and second Sunday of the month from 1:30-3:30 pm, except for (Please send an email for which Sundays this is available, 1.30-3.30pm,
July and August.
You are invited to join in sock feet (the floor is cold, so wear thick socks or bring an extra
pair!) at any time while the labyrinth is open.
We are also looking for volunteers to help facilitate the labyrinth! If you are comfortable
explaining how it works to newcomers and watching to ensure that the candles don’t tip over, we’d love to hear from you.